Compliance Conference Quotable Quotes

By  Sheryl Pessah

I’ve enjoyed the last two days of the conference and am looking forward to day three.

I have a white board in my office where, among other things, I post a saying of the week. So far, I have taken away three from the presentations to use for future postings:

“No one ever succeeded in compliance without failing along the way.”

“If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t know it well enough.” (Albert Einstein)

“Education doesn’t change behavior.”

As a compliance professional with over 10 years of experience, each of these sayings resonates with me in a different way. I’m looking forward to picking up more quotes during tomorrow’s sessions!

On a side note, if, like me, you’ve never tried a GooGoo Cluster before, stop by the ProviderTrust booth tomorrow and talk to Julie. It may just be a life changing experience 😉