Eddie Green on Electronic Messaging [Podcast]


By Adam Turteltaub

It used to be that tracking email usage was considered tough. These days the workforce is also communicating via text, WeChat, Slack and countless other channels both internally and externally. That can be a total nightmare since prosecutors want access to all those conversations.

What makes things harder is that employees may be resistant, feeling that the communications they have on their phone, especially in organizations with a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policy, is private. The employee owns the phone, not the company.

Eddie Green (LinkedIn), CEO of SnippetSentry advises companies get their heads around this problem. Digital compliance is broadening out from the investment community to pharma and elsewhere.

To manage the issue, some companies are now scrapping BYOD policies and making it clear that all work communications need to go on work-owned devices. They are also looking for solutions which enable employees to communicate in familiar ways, but with the tracking that logs all those communications.

Listen in to understand the challenge and how to approach it more effectively.