Risk Intelligence

By Tim Willette

With the first two presentations on Sunday, I am struck by the evolving intertwining of compliance, audit, and risk. To hear how we are all recognizing the connections and commonalities that each of these disciplines brings to the table and how, in gaining a better understanding and appreciating the opportunity to leverage the unique tools and insights each brings to the table, is altogether exciting.

In moving forward, it is key to continue to engage in this endeavor of sharing risk intelligence. The perspectives that compliance, audit, and risk share can certainly enhance the responsiveness and effectiveness of senior leaders in providing a focused commitment to shared governance. Their resolve to foster and champion a culture of ethics and compliance, while fully recognizing, establishing, and clearly articulating an operational environment that is cognizant of the ever-changing risk landscape, is key to all vested in the mission.

The annual SCCE-HCCA Higher Ed/Research conference is the ideal forum to re-energize our commitment to continue to serve as competent, confident, and committed agents for all who are vested in playing their respective roles toward successfully meeting the institution mission the right way. Again, at this year”s conference the energy is palpable and the resolve to continue to grow and collaborate palpable.

Bravo, SCCE-HCCA! Your message is being heard and shared near and far.