Three Reasons I Like Speaking at the HCCA Managed Care Conference [Live from Managed Care]

By Ryan Lipinski

The Annual HCCA Managed Care Conference is one of my favorite conferences. It’s always nice to be in a setting surrounded by people who work in the same industry and share the same challenges.
This year, I was fortunate to be asked back to be a speaker with my colleagues. We are sharing our experience expanding the Compliance program in our Health System to include the System’s Medicaid managed care health plan. Presenting at the conference provides many benefits, both professional and personal, and I thought I’d share my top 3 reasons I enjoy speaking at this conference: 1) researching, 2) reflecting and, 3) reconnecting with colleagues.
1) Research
Presenting a topic to my peers, especially one they are familiar with, takes preparation and research. Preparing my slides and remarks encourages me to research applicable laws, regulations and case law to ensure I’m up to date on the topic I’m presenting on. This year, I enjoyed dusting off my “Compliance 101” book as my presentation involves reviewing the 7 Elements of an Effective Compliance Program and presenting examples of efficiencies we’ve created. In our busy day-to-day work as Compliance Officers, it’s a nice change of pace to slow down and perform research in advance of the presentation.

2) Reflection
Sharing my biography and explaining my role in the organization promotes reflection of where I’ve been and where I’m headed in my career. Attending this conference provides a nice opportunity for me to sit down and reflect on my experiences and journey. We are provided opportunities to network and connect with others, which are opportunities to learn and teach others about our roles and organizations. I am always left recharged with information and refreshed with new ideas on compliance officer perspectives.

3) Reconnect
This is my third year attending and I’m pleased to see familiar faces from previous years. It’s nice to connect with my peers from across the country whom I’ve met in prior years. I also enjoy the ability to reacquaint with business partners and vendors. The conference provides a more relaxed setting to discuss topics and themes, without the urgency of an issue that needs to be handled. Between the networking sessions, lunches, reception and dinners, the conference provides a nice “time out” to share and commiserate with my peers.

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