Ruth Krueger on Evaluating the Effectiveness of the Compliance Program [Podcast]


Post By: Adam Turteltaub

There is a great deal of advice available for organizations seeking to assess the effectiveness of their compliance and ethics program. The US Department of Justice put out new guidance in 2019, and the Health Care Compliance Association along with the Office of Inspector General at HHS have provided help as well.

What is all boils down to, says Ruth Krueger, Principal of Compliance Coach, are a few key questions including:

  • Does the training hit the mark in terms of actual behaviors that reduce violations?
  • Do employees know how to report wrongdoing?
  • Do they feel comfortable doing so?

To answer these questions and others you’ll need to know  both what data is helpful and what data isn’t. For example, several pieces of data only provide part of the evidence and could be misleading. These include training completion rates, the volume of helpline calls and audits completed. Even employee surveys, if done poorly, can be misleading.

Listen in to learn more about what you need to know, and what you don’t, to determine if your compliance program is operating effectively.