Hawaii’s HIPAA Harmonization Law [SlideShare]


Hawaii has more than 50 privacy laws.  The Health Care Privacy Harmonization Act provides some relief when applied to patient records by deeming compliance with HIPAA as compliance with Hawaii’s laws.  There are, however, some important exceptions which will be reviewed.

One of the most important exceptions is Hawaii’s constitutional Right to Privacy. Hawaii continues to be at the forefront of privacy and the Hawaii Constitution provides very broad privacy rights. Only a handful of state constitutions provide such protection.  Proceedings from the Constitutional Convention of Hawaii of 1978 described Hawaii’s constitutional Right to Privacy to include “the right of an individual to tell the world to “mind your own business.”

At the opening session of the 2-day HCCA Regional Compliance Conference, you will learn how Hawaii’s judiciary has recently interpreted the right to mind your own business and how that interpretation might affect you.  You will also learn how Hawaii tried to implement its own privacy laws and rules before the HIPAA rules came out and the response by the Department of Health and Human Services to Hawaii’s efforts.

Ā hui hou aku, Terri O’Connell

FYI:  Ā hui hou aku means “until we meet again.”

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