Eric Grogg on Making it the Employees’ Compliance Program [Podcast]


By Adam Turteltaub

Eric Grogg, Chief Compliance Officer for Orthobanc, comes to compliance and ethics with a different perspective than most, having enjoyed a background in training. That experience keeps him focused on communicating from the listener’s perspective and being aware that employees, like consumers, want to know “what’s in it for me.”

Rather than focusing on tone at the top, he advocates for recognizing that workers can be cynical towards management.  This, in turn, argues for developing a compliance program that employees feel that they own.

How do you get there?  In this podcast, he explains that it starts with having a team of employees help develop the code of conduct.

Listen in to learn more about this intriguing approach to compliance management.


  1. Should business leaders in the near future begin tracking and follow ups on their employees and workforce away from the office environment to deal realistically with contractual and content disclosure issues ?, And creating a temporary database or HUB to assist in accommodating business contents before finally migrating onto a more permanent and a larger data HUB or base that can accommodate details of international clients and big businesses ?., I am always fishing out for tips from my business partners with regards to my long term, futuristic, and possible post brexit era dealings with my employees and workforce hence raising questions to meet my demand. For this reason therefore I am open to receive appropriate input and collaborations from my partners as well as making consultations to enable me tackle near term problems and gradually hoping to meet my set targets and demands..

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