Don’t Be the “No” Person, Be the Solution Person

By Brenda Manning

When I was handed my lanyard filled with certification accolades, like many I headed to the ribbon wall. Was there something I might add? Many of the choices are obviously meant to be humorous, but I couldn’t help but wonder what the message was of the “No Means No” ribbon. Why? Because, I’m a “yes” person. I can’t remember the last time I said “no.” To me if you view your job as the “no” person you’re taking the easy way out & sending the wrong message to your organization.

Compliance in my view doesn’t exist to say “no,” but rather to help facilitate an organization in conducting their business activities within the confines of the law. Just last week someone came to me with a proposed email marketing tool. I was thrilled he came to me. Why? Because it meant we have an organizational culture of compliance and people have their compliance radar on. Score 1 for the Compliance Officer!

I evaluated his proposal and decided it was not secure as proposed. Instead of shutting him down, I proposed an alternative that will satisfy 1) my purpose of keeping the organization compliant and 2) his purpose and need for using this crucial tool. My point? I could have said “no” and let that be the end, but I view my job as being the office creative thinker who comes up with workable solutions and so should you. Your workforce with thank you and your organization will operate more smoothly when compliance is viewed as a solution based department as opposed to a roadblock.