2019 SCCE CEI Guest Blogs: New Heights at SCCE Conference

By Cricket Snyder

As a new Compliance professional, it is always nice to be able to be around those that have been in the profession longer than me. This is only day 1 for me and I have already been edified by the information received. One of the speakers even offered to speak with the audience members individually after we return home to help us with our very own Ethical Framework.

I am definitely looking forward to future sessions that include topics related to creating the best culture of Compliance and how to deal with things that keep your Compliance Officers up at night. Also, the way the conference was broken down into individual tracks has made it easy for me to select sessions that are truly meaningful for my development in this role.

The sessions and networking have given me great opportunities to ask questions regarding issues my company currently face, as well as new ideas for Compliance and Ethics Week 2019. I am very happy to have an opportunity to be apart of this great organization.