Milos Stopic on Due Diligence in Eastern Europe and the Western Balkans [Podcast]


By Adam Turteltaub

While there is much discussion of the challenges in due diligence and third-party vetting in China, Russia and Africa, the risks and challenges don’t end there.  As Milos Stopic, Compliance & Ethics Officer, Middle East and Eastern Europe for Louis Berger International explains, when doing business in Eastern Europe and the Western Balkans it is a necessity as well.

Happily, he reports in this podcast, it is increasingly becoming much more common and expected.  More companies are adopting due diligence standards, and even large companies are receiving more requests to give information about their compliance programs.

But despite the progress, there is still resistance, mostly based on a lack of understanding as to why a company conducting due diligence is even asking questions in the first place.  That problem is often exacerbated by a lack of understanding of compliance programs.

Listen is as Milos explains the challenges and what can be done to overcome resistance and help improve your due diligence efforts.