Ethikos Weekly Editors Picks: When It’s Tough to Speak Up, Get Help from Your Coworkers



When It’s Tough to Speak Up, Get Help from Your Coworkers

From James R. Detert and Ethan R. Burris for Harvard Business Review:
When you feel it’s risky to share concerns with your manager, conventional wisdom says to choose your words very carefully, avoiding political landmines and emotional hot buttons. And when you worry that your suggestions won’t go anywhere (even if there’s little risk in raising them), the usual prescription is to make a solutions-oriented, data-driven case…. Read more

PODCAST: Jane Mitchell on Engaging Middle Management

Ethical communications expert, Jane Mitchell, shares the importance of engaging middle managers, reaching the middle, cultural awareness, and storytelling for effective communication. Read more

The Evolution of Employee Motivation Methods:
Carrots, Sticks And Being Nice Aren’t Sustainable

Christine Comaford, contributor to Forbes:
We’ve all done it. We’ve sat everybody down and explained. And wonder of wonders, almost nobody understood or acted upon our very informative explanation. Read more

The 10 Commandments of a Rational Discussion

Breanne Harris for Critical Thinkers:
Logical fallacies run rampant during a passionate debate. It’s imperative you know how to spot a logical fallacy in order to elevate a discussion and ensure critical thinking prevails. Read more

The Not-So-Secret Formula to Making Incentives Work

From Derek Irvine on Recognize This!:
Whether or not incentive programs are effective has been a long standing question, spanning multiple academic disciplines. Some point to studies demonstrating the motivational potential of performance incentives, while others point to a “crowding-out” of intrinsic motivation when incentives are present. Read more