2018 Compliance Institute Guest Blogs: Great Times with Great Friends


By Brenda Manning

I still remember the day that I wandered into a HIPAA session at the Orlando Compliance Institute and met my friend Frank Ruelas. He mentioned HCCA.net which I had never heard of. I immediately researched it and signed up. It was one of the best things I ever did. By becoming active with HCCA.net I was able to connect with amazing people from across the country and forge friendships with people that I am so happy to have in my life. I was asked today what is the best part of the Las Vegas Compliance Institute? For me, it has been being able to reunite with all of my friends from across the country. I encourage others to do the same, not only to share information, but for the friendships you will no doubt forge.


  1. Brenda,

    Isn’t it interesting how things have a way of coming around full circle.

    Given your posting, I am since the time you walked into that presentation you described, happy to know you as a friend and respected colleague and now you are helping me learn new and useful tools that are enabling me to be a more effective compliance professional.

    So to you I share a big THANK YOU!

    By the way, I heard that your presentation, along with the “3 Amigas” was a hit at the Compliance Institute.

    You are opening so many doors for people in how you are injecting both creativity and innovation into the critical training and element piece of a compliance program which in the end, benefits all of us!

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