2018 Compliance Institute Guest Blogs: My First Compliance Institute


By Carl Russell

Overwhelmed. That’s the word. That’s what I’m feeling from my first HCCA Compliance Institute. The classes Sunday found me furiously taking notes, worried I would miss a key concept or new piece of information. Monday I discovered the slide sets were available through the app and could be emailed to my work.

The speakers have been phenomenal. I’ll be taking a class in yoga when I get home.

The exhibitors are all great to talk to. It was fun to discuss with so many that knew about my home college blue turf. They all seemed to have something I needed whether it was new compliance software, exclusion checking, system auditing, or simply blinking shoelaces for my granddaughter. And doesn’t everyone need a new pen, right?

But more than the classes, speakers, or exhibitors were the connections I made. Everyone has been so great. Fae greeted me so kindly my first day here. I finally met people I’ve only known through HCCAnet like Walter and Jackie. I got to see again people I admire like Frank and friends like Linda. And finally, I made new connections for future collaboration as with Jordan.
In all the CI has been and is an awesome experience, one I hope to repeat.


  1. So glad to hear about your positive impressions about your first (and hopefully one of many you will attend in the future) CI.

    I think you are a very effective role model for many first time CI attendees in that though it may be overwhelming, one can likely find a few sessions that cover topics that are right on target for what you are looking to learn more about.

    I also want to thank you for your very thoughtful responses to postings on HCCAnet. It is certainly a very effective way to make and keep those connections made at the CI active for the next 364 days!

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