University Compliance and Commiseration

By Connie Dudley
Today was the first day of my first SCCE conference – University Compliance. I did a lot of thinking about what I might experience before I arrived, mostly worrying that no one could relate to my own experiences. What I discovered was something different – pleasantly different.

First, a few on the panel talked about their own backgrounds and challenges, and they were not very different from my own. But later, when the panel took questions from attendees, I heard the concerns I had in my head going into the session coming out of the mouths of others around me. When the first big question was followed by an almost universal groan of agreement from the others in the room, rather than feeling frustrated about the pervasiveness of the problem expressed, I felt relief flood over me. I was relieved to know that in that shared commiseration there were a lot of people who were all working toward and committed to doing the right thing, doing what needed to be done, and to making all of their organizations better places to work, learn and thrive.

I look forward to the days and sessions ahead, and I am so thankful for being a part of this wonderful group of dedicated professionals.