Tonja Wise on Healthcare Compliance Monitoring [Podcast]

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Post By: Adam Turteltaub

At the 2022 HCCA Compliance Institute, Tonja Wise (LinkedIn), Corporate Director of Compliance, Sharp HealthCare will be leading a session “Your Audit Plan is on Point…but How is Your Moderating Game?”  It’s a very good question, and in this podcast she offers very helpful advice on how to improve your monitoring efforts.

First, since monitoring and auditing are often referred to together as if they are the same thing, she defines the difference between the two.  Monitoring, she explains, tend to come after a problem, or potential one, is identified and there is a need to ensure that the remediation in place is working.

Like other areas of compliance she advises a risk-based approach.  Health care entities should focus on areas of recent government audits or any place they already have a correction plan in place.  Avoid focusing on areas where the risk is low of either an incident or having to pay a substantial penalty.

To have a strong monitoring program in place, Tonja explains, you need an experienced staff and the right software.  An Excel spreadsheet to track things is probably not enough.

Listen in to learn more about how to effectively monitor your healthcare compliance program, and then join us for the 2022 HCCA Compliance Institute.