Tom Fox on Leadership [Podcast]



Tom and Kortney sit down in Minneapolis to discuss Tom’s new ambassadorship and his newest venture, his leadership podcast – 12 O’Clock High. They also discuss the impact of generations on leadership styles, including:

  • How a World War II movie inspired a podcast about leadership;
  • Why leaders need help;
  • How leadership is changing;
  • How we’ve gone from a sense of shared sacrifice to the “me” culture of millennials;
  • Why generational insights are important leadership tools;
  • The challenges of leading cross-generational teams;
  • Using history to teach us leadership lessons;
  • The benefits (or not) of communicating face-to-face;
  • How to synthesize what we need from our leaders;
  • Responding to your employees in a way they understand; and
  • The impact of the big data and social media on leadership.

Thomas Fox has practiced law in Houston for 30 years. He is now the Compliance Ambassador for the Red Flag Group.Tom is the author of the award winning FCPA Compliance and Ethics Blog and the international best-selling book “Lessons Learned on Compliance and Ethics”. His seminal book, “Doing Compliance: Design, Create, and Implement an Effective Anti-Corruption Compliance Program” is widely viewed as one of the top one-volume books on the nuts and bolts of compliance. He is one of the top leaders in social media in compliance, blogging, podcasting, writing and speaking across the globe on anti-corruption and anti-bribery compliance programs. He frequently shares his insight and wisdom by speaking and writing for SCCE.

His new podcast, 12 O’Clock High ( explores what it means to be a leader. Many in business think that if you’re not born with the right leadership traits you can never successfully lead. The opposite is actually the truth. Leadership skills CAN be learned, and in each episode Tom explores the techniques of leadership, to incorporate them into your own business strategy.