Robert Bond on Privacy and the Last 25 Years [Podcast]


Post By: Adam Turteltaub

With the 25th annual HCCA Compliance Institute about to take place we have been collecting some rememberances of the last 25 years from various members of the compliance community.

In this podcast, SCCE & HCCA board member, and the association’s next president Robert Bond shares his history in compliance. Robert, who is Senior Counsel and Notary Public at the London firm of Bristows actually has roots that dig even. About 35 years ago he was living in the Midlands of the UK and had a neighbor who was developing (loudly) a video game, often at all hours of the night.

As Robert and the neighbor talked, it became clear that the programmer needed some legal help, which led Robert eventually to move fully into the then emerging field of video game law. Even at that time, he reports, gaming firms were collecting vast troves of data with often insufficient understanding  of both the opportunities and risks it posed.

By the time of the first Compliance Institute he had moved to London and was leading a small firm’s multimedia practice. Notably by the 1990s privacy, which Robert specializes in, was already becoming a concern. As he shares in the podcast, with the birth of the web, more data was collected and increased focus was being paid to the ethical side and the need to be careful with what was fast becoming the new oil.

His advice when it comes to data; don’t think about a privacy compliance program. Think about a compliance program and how data protection and privacy fit in.

Listen in to learn more about his fascinating career, the evolution of compliance, and what he sees as a C-suite future for privacy officers. And plan on joining us for the 2021 Compliance Institute.