Marsha Ershaghi Hames on Compliance Programs Post the DOJ Guidance [Podcast]


By Adam Turteltaub

In April 2019 the Criminal Division at the US Department of Justice issued a document outlining how prosecutors should evaluate compliance programs.  It has since proven to be a useful tool, helping compliance teams focus their efforts and demonstrating to management that the government takes compliance programs seriously, and has high expectations.

Marsha Ershaghi Hames, Managing Director, Strategy & Development at LRN, reports in the latest Compliance Perspectives podcast that she has already seen an impact on compliance programs as a result of the DOJ’s work.  Compliance officers are taking a more comprehensive and proactive approach.

One area of particular scrutiny has been the role of management, and how leaders are working to support the program and ensure policies are being put into practice.  Other areas include the role of the board (and what it does and doesn’t know) and the actions of front-line managers.

Looking to the future, she sees a greater embrace of transparency and increased emphasis on stakeholder engagement.

Listen in to learn more about how compliance teams are turning the DOJ’s words into actions.