Happy Anniversary!

By Roberta Verville

Interestingly, this Gen X’er just heard a pretty real time, spot on description of herself at the Keynote Session this morning with Cam…

And here I sit to say Happy Anniversary, Happy Birthday to the HCCA. As a compliance professional, I am not a Gen X. As a professional, I fit in that Millenial category. How to reconcile my biological age with my professional age????

After our profession’s coming of age and participating in the HCCA Institute once again, I am reminded that we no longer get the luxury of saying we don’t know how to do this (compliance). We have built it, we have been there and we have done that.

If you are new to compliance today, know that the resources and the tools exist. Your colleagues here at HCCA can help you to do whatever it is that you are facing – it has been audited before. We have struggled your struggles and have overcome. We have trained the recalcitrant, the defiant and the grumpy, remotely and in person. The compliance program IS the 7 elements and they can be applied in every situation, all it takes is knowing at which phase your issue is ‘entering’ compliance awareness.

Good luck to you who are joining the profession… welcome to one of the most exciting, dynamic, evolving and cutting edge groups, full of Boomers, X’ers and Millenials. Together, we get better and better with our collective biological and professional age.

Happy Birthday and thank you to all of the HCCA leaders, collaborators, volunteers and contributors…! Cheers to us!