Ethikos Editor’s Picks: Employees are More Likely to Cheat on Their Way Out the Door



Employees are More Likely to Cheat on Their Way Out the Door

From KelloggInsight:
Spoiler alert: everybody cheats. It may be as minor as cutting in line or as venal as lying on a balance sheet before presenting an investment opportunity. So the question is not whether people will choose to betray each other’s trust—but rather, when. Read more

PODCAST: Erica Salmon Byrne on Hiring for Integrity

Erica Salmon Byrne discusses the importance of management in hiring for integrity, culture, leadership, cheating, and the reason behind the rule. Read more

Trusting a Book by Its Cover

From Columbia Business School Newsroom:
Thanks to social media and dating apps, people are asked to judge others solely on their appearance more than ever before. More and more people are judging a book by its cover, believing their instincts are correct. According to new research from Columbia Business School, they might be right more often than not—but for a surprising reason. Read more

How Leaders Can Make Their Messaging Meaningful

Scott Mautz from Lead Change Group:
More than one CEO has said, “Leadership is 90 percent communication,” and research bears them out by showing that the way in which managers communicate with employees is one of the most important factors in driving employee engagement. Read more

10 Principles of Organizational Culture

From Jon Katzenbach, Carolin Oelschlegel, and James Thomas on Strategy+Business:
How often have you heard somebody — a new CEO, a journalist, a management consultant, a leadership guru, a fellow employee — talk about the urgent need to change the culture? They want to make it world-class. To dispense with all the nonsense and negativity that annoys employees and stops good intentions from growing into progress. Read more