Does Your Company Sell to the US Government?


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Courtesy of The Broadcat
Ricardo Pellafone (

Then how do you train your sales team on pricing for those clients?

With all the focus American companies place on the FCPA, it’s easy to forget how fast things can go wrong back home when you’re selling to the US government under the False Claims Act.

And it’s not just a problem for big government contractors, either.

Gibson Dunn’s Winston Chan and John Partridge just published an article tallying up the different bases of liability and costs tech companies have been hit with in recent years under the FCA, and with Winston’s permission we took that data and turned it into this training piece for sales teams:

SCCE Version Tech Industry Sales Training -- Govt Customers

Drop us a comment if you want a free PDF to distribute—it prints on letter paper.

And if you’re not in the tech industry but want something similar for your team, let us know and we’ll see what we can do about releasing versions with other case studies.

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  1. Thank you for this! I would love a PDF to distribute. I am not in the tech industry, so I would look forward to a case study or infographic that was less industry-specific. Thanks again – very helpful!

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