Ethikos Weekly Editor’s Picks – March 27, 2015



If You Thought Your Morals Were Unshakeable, This Study Proves Otherwise

woman looking through blinds Carolyn Gregoire of The Huffington Post:
Is it ever OK to cheat on your spouse? Is murder ever justified? You may think your decisions are based on unshakeable moral convictions — but your moral decisions may be simply a result of where you’re looking at a given moment. According to a provocative new study, eye movements and visual input play a large role in how we deliberate about moral questions.Read more

Ethics and Compliance, Not Compliance and Ethics

pile of money from around the world By Michael Volkov:
I have several pet peeves in the ethics and compliance space (who knows, maybe in the personal space as well but we are all reluctant to acknowledge those except to our loved ones). I know this sounds petty but hear me out. If you look at older healthcare compliance resource documents put out by the government and industry groups you see it — references to compliance programs and the importance of ethics are always communicated with — compliance and ethics.  Read more

4 Steps to Becoming a Better Leader

CEO standing in front of a crowd Patrick K. Burke on CIO Insight:
Harry Kraemer Jr. recently shared his thoughts with CIO Insight on how to become the best leader possible by focusing on a set of core values that help in the boardroom as well as in daily life. The former CEO of Baxter International now devotes his time, among other worthy causes, to teaching at Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management. Read more

Culture: Why It’s The Hottest Topic In Business Today

CEO standing in front of a crowd From Josh Bersin, contributor to Forbes:
Last year Merriam Webster’s dictionary stated that ”culture” was the most popular word of the year. Well, it has now become one of the most important words in corporate board rooms, and for good reason. Read more

So, You Want to be the Conscience of Your Organization?

close-up on Employee Handbook By Jim Lukaszewski:
Frankly, the notion that a PR person could effectively and credibly be an organization’s conscience has been troubling. The vast majority of us have little, if any, impact or contact with top management, where unfortunate, unnecessary, and unethical behaviors are initiated, allowed, ignored, encouraged, or forgiven. Read more