How’s That CEASE-FIRE Workin’ Out For Ya?

scce-cep-2015-03-Boehme (2)By Donna Boehme, Contributing Editor

Remember not too long ago, when an obscure law firm partner and self-proclaimed “governance expert” openly called for a “Cease-fire” in the long-running debate about Compliance 1.0 (Compliance as a captive arm of Legal)?[1]  It went something like this:

“Hey Compliance, stop dissing our preferred Compliance 1.0 model!  We don’t have any facts on our side to rebut your statements, so let’s have a Cease-fire, and for God’s sake stop talking about it!!”

And we ‘re like: “Hmmm… at no time in the history of mankind or warfare has the WINNING side EVER called for a Cease-fire!”  And I – your Humble Columnist – am like:  ”Hmmm… If this guy is throwing rocks at me to discourage my columns on this topic, instead of writing one this week, I’m gonna write THREE!” (See my anti-bully policy here).[2]

Well it looks like that Cease-fire won’t be needed now.  Because, as I’ve noted in my most recent Corporate Counsel column at least (not one, but) THREE Nails in the Coffin of Compliance 1.0 have kinda ended that debate.  #TheRisingCCOLiftsAllBoats Read it here [3] friends.  And, yes, #EthiTweeps, it’s #Board-worthy.[4]  So how’s that Cease-fire workin’ out for ya?[5]

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