Roy Snell and Karen Latchana Kenney on Integrity [Podcast]


Post By: Adam Turteltaub

Group think, confirmation bias and a lack of critical thinking can all cause lapses in integrity. Seeing high levels of all three led Roy Snell, the former CEO of the Society of Corporate Compliance and Ethics & Health Care Compliance Association, to write IntegrityWorks: Tools and Skills to Build Integrity. The book was just published and is now available for sale on the sites of the HCCA and SCCE.

In this podcast, Roy and his editor Karen Latchana Kenney discuss the risks to integrity and what can be done about them. They also discuss the four chapters of the book, which address bias, being genuine, truth and civil debate, and critical thinking.

Designed to be a useful tool, rather than a philosophical discussion, IntegrityWorks provides workshop ideas for putting integrity into practice. It also includes interviews with ethical leaders, and presents integrity in a number of different and compelling ways.

Listen in to learn more, and then order your copy of IntegrityWorks from the HCCA or SCCE websites.