Roy J. Snell and Joel A. Rogers on Integrity and IntegrityWorks, Pt. 1 [Video]


Post by: Karen Latchana Kenney

Every company wants to be known for its commitment to having integrity. Yet this core value isn’t always easy to describe or demonstrate.

In this first segment in a series of conversations, Joel A. Rogers of Steele Compliance Wave and Roy J. Snell, former CEO and cofounder of HCCA & SCCE, discuss the concept of integrity and how it’s tackled it in Roy’s new book IntegrityWorks: Tools and Skills to Build Integrity, including:

  • Why Roy chose to write on this topic
  • The two qualities that truly define integrity
  • Why being nice isn’t necessarily part of the equation
  • Fundamental aspects of having integrity
  • How compliance and ethics professionals help companies have integrity and behave ethically

Watch for a lively discussion on integrity and visit the SCCE site for more on the book IntegrityWorks: Tools and Skills to Build Integrity.