Ray Pathak on The California Consumer Privacy Act [Podcast]


Post By: Adam Turteltaub

The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) is the strongest privacy law in the US.  It significantly expands the rights of consumers and requires more transparency of businesses when it comes to what they are doing with all the data that they are collecting.

The good news, explains, Ray Pathak, Nymity CEO of TrustArc, is that organizations that have already undertaken efforts to comply with the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will find themselves well prepared to deal with the CCPA.

In this podcast Ray shares:

  • What organizations the CCPA applies to (and it’s not just those based in California)
  • The notifications required under the law
  • Consumer rights to access and delete data
  • The potential fines and the private right of action under the law
  • Other state laws across the US that are likely to follow

Just as importantly, he also explains what organizations need to be doing, starting with inventorying the data being collected and how it is stored.

Listen in to learn more about the requirements of CCPA.