Natalia Shehadeh on Dealing with Two Crises [Podcast]


Post By: Adam Turteltaub

Every organization in the world is facing a crisis now, as the pandemic ranges. But, the oil and gas industry is facing a second crisis as well: a collapse in the price of oil.

How can compliance get the attention of businesspeople when two crises are swirling? Natalia Shehadeh, Senior Vice President and Chief Compliance Officer at TechnipFMC recommends focusing on partnership.

That starts with the support of leadership, of course, and in TechnipFMC’s case that was the easy part. The Chairman and CEO, without prompting from compliance, cautioned that despite the current situation the company needed to operate with an integrity and safety-first mindset.

To reach the workforce, the compliance team is working aggressively to keep their messages fresh and thoughtful. In addition, they are using technology such as Yammer almost daily and weekly podcasts. All of this is a part of an effort to stay “sticky with the business.”

At the same time, they are staying current on changing risk profiles. The company is actively engaged in human rights compliance, for example.

Finally, in this podcast she also addresses what the compliance team is doing to stay connected with each other. This includes not just work meetings, but exchanging photos, daily chats, and even sharing movie lists and recipes.

Listen in to learn more about how to manage through, even when one crisis is piled on top of another.