Jennifer Williams on Healthcare Credentialing [Podcast]


Post By: Adam Turteltaub

Dr. Jennifer Williams, Director of Market Development & Education, Credentialing for GHX’s Vendormate reports in this podcast that the pandemic has had a broad and bold impact on credentialing, much of it overdo. In the past not everyone walking around a healthcare facility was adequately checked to determine if he or she belonged.

If your organization hasn’t done so already, she recommends tightening up procedures and examining the credentials of everyone who enters, even your own staff.

To make sure there aren’t gaps she recommends the development of scorecards, which can help define, measure, analyze and improve controls. They also can increase visibility and accountability.

And, as always, the activities of leaderships are important for success.

Listen in to learn more about how to improve the effectiveness of credentialing in your healthcare setting.