Jeff Kluge on the UK GDPR Children’s Code [Podcast]


Adam Turteltaub PhotoPost by Adam Turteltaub

The European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) already provides considerable requirements for compliance programs. With Brexit comes a new GDPR for the United Kingdom. Adding to the complexity, the UK GDPR also contains a Children’s Code, explains Jeff Kluge (LinkedIn), Founder & CEO of Holistic Ethics. The UK has long led in protecting the data of children, and the new code follows the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

For companies doing business solely within the United States it is not likely to be an issue but for those operating globally he advises being aware of and in compliance with the Children’s Code’s requirements. There are standards and rules in place for connected games and toys, for using artificial intelligence (AI) and processing children’s data.

So, what should compliance teams do? First, they need to understand the algorithm used in the AI their organization employs, ideally while it is still being developed. Second there should be a children’s data oversight committee in place. Third the company should be asking whether they should have an ethics committee overseeing their AI-based systems.

Also, the compliance team needs to recognize that AI initiatives are often created without their knowledge. It’s important to get a handle on what’s going on help people understand the importance of closely monitoring artificial intelligence, particularly those systems that are autonomous.

He reports that the compliance team can be particularly helpful in identifying what data is being collected and what is the right data to be using. The team particularly needs to be monitoring what decisions are being made based by the AI.

Listen in to learn more about the UK GDPR Children’s Code and what compliance teams need to do to protect both children and their own organizations.