Ethikos Editor’s Weekly Picks: To Weather Reputational Storms, Get Caught Doing the Right Thing


Examining ethics and compliance issues in business since 1987

To weather reputational storms, get caught doing the right thing

by Julian Friedland for The Irish Times

As the legendary American investor Warren Buffett once put it, “it takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you’ll do things differently”.

Powerful and well-regarded companies fall from grace all the time, as recent debacles at myriad firms from Ryanair to Uber underscore. As a result, many business leaders are asking themselves what they can do to avoid getting caught doing the wrong thing. Read more

Doctors filmed taking favors from pharma companies to use their drugs

by Judy Siegel-Itzkovich for The Jerusalem Post

The health system was turned upside down on Thursday following a Channel 10 investigation the previous night about alleged malfeasance by hospital physician and company representatives.

The Source (Hamakor) program investigation by Raviv Drucker and his team video-recorded senior physicians, and women serving as company agents, who allegedly made deals for bonuses, all-expense-paid trips to medical conventions abroad and other gifts if they prescribed their company’s drugs rather than those of its competitors. Read more

Justice Department has begun investigation of admission association’s ethics code

by Eric Hoover for The Chronicle of Higher Education

The U.S. Justice Department is investigating whether the National Association for College Admission Counseling’s ethics code violates federal antitrust law.

Recently, the department requested information from admissions officers and college counselors who last year helped revamp the association’s new code of ethical standards, known as the “Statement of Principles of Good Practice.” Two admissions officials who received the letter said the department is apparently investigating whether colleges have agreed to “restrain trade” within the student-recruitment process. Read more

Intelligent technology can give ethical guidance

by Alexis Kramer for Bloomberg BNA

Hey Robot, is AI a good thing? Accenture employees can now anonymously ask a new internal chatbot questions on the ethical guidelines for deploying a client’s artificial intelligence programs.

Called COBE, Accenture’s chatbot can also address the proper use of social media or employee interactions in the workplace, the global consulting firm announced Dec. 20. Users can interact with COBE—an acronym for Code of Business Ethics, from which it was transformed—via instant message. Read more


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