Elaine Ong, Kalpana Kothari and Caveni Wong on Consistent, Global Disciplinary Guidelines [Podcast]


Post By: Adam Turteltaub

Consistent discipline is difficult for organizations, especially when high performers are involved. It’s even more difficult for large organizations operating in dozens of countries around the world, navigating multiple cultures.

Yet, Dentsu International was not afraid to take on the challenge. In this podcast, and at their session at the 2021 SCCE Compliance & Ethics Institute, three Regional Ethics & Compliance Directors from the company — Elaine Ong (APAC), Kalpana Kothari (EMEA) and Caveni Wong (Americas) – share what it took to put together consistent global disciplinary guidelines in a decentralized organization.

The goal of the project was to impose consequence and improve accountability around the globe. A first draft was created and reviewed by the regional compliance directors, legal, HR and internal audit. Then, approval was obtained from the Global CEO and Chairman before being presented to the board. The entire process took ten months.

And that was just the starting point. After that came the task of rolling it out.

Critical to the next phase was the support of senior management, the board, HR and business leaders. With their support the compliance team worked with local businesses to ensure that they understood the guidelines and how to apply them. Compliance also let the business know that it would not be alone. Compliance would be supporting them along the way.

Some of the other keys to success:

  • Develop a simplified framework that is easy to understand
  • Create case-based training to provide opportunities to practice decision making
  • Develop supporting collateral
  • Review employee feedback

Listen in to learn more, and then plan on attending their virtual session at the 2021 SCCE Compliance & Ethics Institute