Dean Gonsowski on Data Stewardship [Podcast]


Post By: Adam Turteltaub

The amount of data collected by organizations has skyrocketed over the last two days and with it, notes Dean Gonsowski, Chief Revenue Officer at Active Navigation, has come a change in the equation. Instead of creating more value, more data is creating more risk.

In this podcast he encourages companies to change from a collect all you can mode to one in which organizations start by asking “Why are we collecting this data?”

The next questions to ask: what data do we already have and where is it stored? Too often, he explains, data is stored in unstructured formats such as in file sharing sites and shared drives. That makes data difficult to track and easy to go astray.

It’s time, he argues, to starting thinking about purposeful, intentional and minimal collection of data. Then, for the data you have, audit and monitor to make sure that the data is being collected, housed and used properly.