Bruno Drummond on Compliance Centers of Excellence [Podcast]


Post By: Adam Turteltaub

DHL Supply Chain is, as you would expect, a large and geographically dispersed organization, and so too is its compliance team. As Bruno Drummond, Global Compliance Director reports, they were set up with a relatively small group at HQ, with most compliance officers aligned on a regional or country basis.

In 2018, the compliance team decided to try a different approach by setting up a center of excellence. The idea was to build a back-office team that would enable efficiencies and help manage central processes, providing a hub to serve all the spokes around the globe.

In this podcast Bruno shares how the center of excellence was created as well as the considerable benefits it provided, including:

  • Increased efficiency
  • Standardization of processes
  • An improved risk assessment process
  • Better reporting and analytics
  • Enhanced tools to serve both the compliance team and the workforce

Listen in to learn more about this intriguing approach, as well as their plans for taking it to the next level.