Benchmarking Your Compliance Program

Staffing Benchmarkingturteltaub-adam-200x200-150x150By Adam Turteltaub

One of the most difficult things to do in the world of compliance is to benchmark budgets and staffing.  Comparisons can be difficult because of often great differences between organizations.  Aside from the wide range of regulatory requirements – some industries have relatively few regulations to deal with, others have enough red tape to circle the globe many times over – there is always the challenge of each company’s unique history.  While one company may have a spotlessly clean history, another may have had an incident (or several) that it needs to compensate for.  As a result, two nominally similar organizations may have wildly different budget and staffing levels for very good reasons.

To help try and provide the profession with some broad measures, the Health Care Compliance Association and Society of Corporate Compliance and Ethics recently repurposed data from salary surveys created for the HCCA and SCCE.  The salary survey captured data based on company revenues, number of employees, compliance budgets and other key metrics.  We recognized that this data could be refined to provide some benchmarks that could provide guidance for the compliance community.

Two versions of the report were produced.  One is specific to the healthcare industry.  The other includes responses from the rest of industry.

Both reports are complimentary.  Feel free to download them directly from the HCCA and SCCE sites.

Click here to access the healthcare report.

Click here to access the cross-industry report.

We hope you find them useful as you seek to see how  your compliance program measures up.

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