2015 CEI Compliance Conference

By Samuel A. Shelton
The 2015 CEI Compliance Conference really was an eye opener to the new and ever evolving profession of Compliance Ethics and Risk Management. It was good to network with other like minded professional from over 40 different countries sharing their ideas and guidance on how to get your board and management team to understand what is at stake and how to fix it. It also allowed me to be a part of a group who truly understand the pressures of always be the ‘bad guy’ who talks about internal controls and ethics. Looking forward to returning to work and being ‘mad’ – ‘make a difference’ with the many ideas that I have gained.

I know it is not an easy road – but just knowing that there are others with the same challenges right around the world makes the ‘fight’ that much easier to stick it out, until others see the proverbial ‘light’ at the end of the risk, ethics and compliance tunnel.

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