Caught in the NET: A sampling of what our NET communities are talking about

Caught in the Net

Stephen PavlicekBy Stephen Pavlicek, Community Engagement Manager, SCCE & HCCA

Our SCCEnet and HCCAnet communities are designed to be a landing spot for compliance and ethics professionals to network, cross-pollinate ideas, share resources, and promote awareness about the changing forces that influence and shape the profession. Currently, there are over 80 different communities that include broad compliance and ethics topic areas, different organizational roles, national and global regions, and sectors.

Below are some examples of what is being discussed.  Come and add your insights and perspectives to our learning communities, today!

General Compliance Topics

  • Members were looking for a compliance decision tree – does your organization have a chart or guidance on when employees should contact the compliance department vs. human resources?
  • For the upcoming year, one compliance professional has a goal of crafting a training matrix – In order to help, they are looking for suggestions and sample templates for organizational compliance training cycle, topics, and schedule.

HIPAA community…

  • Discussed EMR breach reporting – when courtesy access is granted but inappropriate access is identified, who is responsible for reporting the breach? What protocols do other professionals follow when granting access to EMR?
  • EMR amendment request for a record in a previous system – after switching EMR management systems a professional received a request to access a “read-only” record that was from the previous EMR system. The question was raised that if the request turned out to be valid how does one document/archive the request into the new system?
  • A conversation that discussed Meta pixel tracking, ad tracking, and clicks, while on a hospital’s website and wondering, based on information collected, what implications it poses for HIPPA compliance, PHI, and risk management. This is an interesting spin on HIPAA that is sure to continue to grow in complexity!
  • The HHS SRA Tool v3.3 was discussed to determine whether it was useful and able to meet risk analysis requirements at CFR 164.308(a)(1)(ii)(A).

New Community Department of One (or two, three, four…)

A new community discussion group titled, “Department of One” was created to address the unique challenges and benefits of being a small compliance department. The group was started based on the expressed interest from the attendees at our virtual conference, “Compliance in Smaller Organizations” on July 19th. This group is just taking off so join us today!

Communication Training and Curriculum Development

Chief Compliance and Ethics Officer Healthcare

  • Gift Acceptance – when an employee is invited to an all-expenses paid event by a friend, who happens to be a vendor, what would your organization’s policy say the employee’s response should be? This has been a fun discussion to follow!
  • New Employee Orientation – Since COVID many organizations have opted to remain fully virtual for onboarding versus in-person or hybrid content delivery. Several representatives answered, what mode of delivery does your organization use for onboarding?
  • Logging Patient Complaints – How does your organization track and manage patient complaints when they do not meet criteria for a formal grievance? Do you lump them in with hotline data? Track them separately in Excel? Or do you hire out a service to manage them? Several good practices and policies are listed in this conversation!

What compliance and ethics challenges are you facing or what have you learned that helped you overcome them? Share it on SCCEnet and HCCAnet!