Susan Divers on Program Effectiveness [Podcast]


Post By: Adam Turteltaub

So what happened to ethics and compliance programs during the pandemic? Did companies throw out their commitment to doing the right thing and values in their quest to survive the upheaval? Or did they embrace them?

The data is looking very encouraging, reports Susan Divers, Senior Advisor at LRN. As she shares in this podcast their 2021 Program Effectiveness Report found that the commitment to ethics and values actually increased during this period. Ethics and compliance were front and center, helping organizations to cope with the crisis as they emphasized values over rules.

There were stress points, however. Many organizations didn’t pivot quickly enough to meet the demands of the new reality. For example, the majority did not move their training to mobile platforms, at least initially.

In addition, the report found concerns about the future, including:

  • Pressure to cut compliance staff and budgets
  • Workers lacking the checks in their behavior that come from when colleagues are nearby, and not located remotely,
  • Pressures to circumvent controls as business resumes

Listen in to learn more about the research findings and also some interesting data on the gaps between business leaders and middle management.