Jessica Simpson on Hiring and Changing Jobs During the Pandemic [Podcast]


Post By: Adam Turteltaub

One of the many strange things during this time is that it’s possible to follow a stay-at-home order, be locked down and still change jobs. Companies are hiring, and, reports Jessica Simpson, Recruiting Director at Conselium, candidates, both employed and unemployed, are looking for new positions.

In fact, the job market for talented compliance professionals has remained very strong. The consolidations early in the pandemic have abated, she tells us, as organization have realized the importance of the compliance role and resumed hiring.

In this podcast she provides advice to both employers and job candidates.

To help retain talent she advises that employers:

  • Provide clear growth maps for managers and employees
  • Set realistic, competitive incentive plans
  • Accepts the new flexible work environment
  • Listen to employees

When hiring she recommends getting over the mental hurdle and accept that Zoom interviews can work. In fact, they can make the hiring process much faster since there’s no longer the need to find a day for the candidate to come in when everyone is in the office. That’s very important since it enables your organization to snatch up that highly qualified candidate before someone else does.

For job seekers she advises you take the time to identify what makes you attractive to employers. Know what differentiates you and what skills you bring that other candidates may not. Then put that information into your LinkedIn profile and be prepared to discuss it at the interview.

Also, do your homework on the organization you are interviewing with. Have questions prepared to see if you would be successful in their culture. Ask what made someone who had been successful their succeed. And, know what your values are and ask questions to ensure they will align with the company’s.

Listen in to learn more whether you’re looking to change jobs or to hire a new member of your compliance team.