Jonathan Armstrong on the End of Privacy Shield [Podcast]


Post By: Adam Turteltaub

The Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) sent shockwaves through the privacy community last week. As Jonathan Armstrong of Cordery explains in this podcast, it put an effective end to the Privacy Shield because of concerns about US government surveillance. As a result, what had been an essential element of compliant data transfers between the US and EU is no more.

Organizations relying on Privacy Shield must now look to standard contractual clauses and other measures for moving data. They may even want to revisit whether there are ways to work without transferring data outside of the EU at all.

Listen in as we discuss these issues and others including developing consistent messaging for the staff, privacy due diligence of vendors, what impact the CJEU’s decision may have on a post-Brexit UK, and the possibility of dawn raids.