Lisa Gross and Art Weiss on Ethics and the Ethics Track at the Compliance & Ethics Institute [Podcast]


Post By: Adam Turteltaub

NOTE: This podcast was recorded prior to the conversion of the Compliance & Ethics Institute to a virtual program. Some of the sessions and their tracks may have changed.  Be sure to visit the website to see the latest agenda.

When Lisa Gross, Ethics Senior Manger at Lockheed Martin and Art Weiss, Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer at Tamko Building Products set to work as co-chairs of the Ethics Track for the 2020 Compliance & Ethics institute, their objective was both simple and ambitious:  to select a broad selection of topics that would cover the issues that are pressing today and the needs across the spectrum of compliance and ethics professionals.

Looking at the agenda, you can see that they succeeded. They also ended up demonstrating that the core of ethics management is largely the same, whether in stable times when they set the agenda, or the more troubling present. As they explain in this podcast, the organization’s values must stay the same and serve as the foundation for decisions and actions. That’s especially true these days when so much is unstable and businesspeople are learning new ways to work together.

No matter the change, though, compliance professionals and business leaders have to keep watch on the corporate culture. Here, too, the values are essential, but, also, practical matters are important, such as ensuring that lines of communication are open and accessible.

Listen in to gain more of their insights and a preview of what to expect on the Ethics Track at the 2020 Compliance & Ethics Institute.