Mary Schaefer on Policy Management [Podcast]


Post By: Adam Turteltaub

When Mary Schaefer stepped in as Chief Compliance Officer for the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) she found lots of policies in place with thought behind them and developed with subject matter experts. That was the good news.

The bad news was that the policy process was decentralized with each division managing its own. Worse, the development process was cumbersome, and many policies were outdated.

In this Compliance Perspectives process she provides a case study for other compliance leaders who find themselves in similar situations.  She explains how the compliance team identified all the policies in place, updated those that needed it, archived policies that were ready to be retired, and set about creating a new, more coherent structure.

She also provides insight into how to create buy-in from the organization and keep the workforce up to date on new or changed policies.

Listen in for ideas for how to make your policy process more coherent.