2019 Compliance Institute Guest Blogs: My Every Year Trip


By Greg Blackburn

Although one of the main reasons I started coming to HCCA National Compliance Institute was to maintain my CHPC credits, I have learned many other things while attending every year. It is always good to meet other privacy folks since that is the main area of focus for me. I have held many titles in my HIPAA compliance days – 12 years now – and now I am a Privacy Education Program Manager. My main focus is on the education of the workforce and I like hearing any creative ways people are getting the HIPAA/privacy message out to the workforce. Creative ideas are welcome if you would like to respond. I currently use animation and real-life videos (always short), one-page guidance documents, live education and of course the safety net education like annual mandatory education via computer-based learning module. Do you have any creative education ideas that have worked?
The compliance institute has brought some good connections and resources in all my visits over the years. A fun thing I like to do is judge the vendor swag each year. I hope to continue my annual trek to find more next year.