Susan Roberts and Nadege Rochel on Creating Compliance Addicts [Podcast]


By Adam Turteltaub

One of the most provocatively titled sessions at the 2019 SCCE European Compliance and Ethics Institute was “Becoming ‘Invited In’:  Creating Compliance ‘Addicts’ Globally.”

Aversion, not addiction, is more typically associated with compliance, unfortunately, and it made me want to learn more.  So, I asked the two co-presenters to sit down for a podcast to share what they meant by the term.  Nadege Rochel, Global Compliance Manager and Susan Roberts, Chief Compliance Officer of Hollister Incorporated both readily agreed.

A compliance addict, they explained, is someone who does something extra beyond simple compliance.  So, how do you get people to become addicts?  Not surprisingly by rewarding them.  But what may be surprising is how simple a reward it was:  a pin.  It turned out to be both an offer of recognition and a way for the recipient to be recognized by his or her peers as someone with a strong commitment to ethics and compliance.  It also triggered a competitive streak, with others wanting to earn the pin as well.

This simple approach has infused their compliance programs and offers lessons for others seeking to create cultures in which the compliance program is embraced.  As they explain, they did not stop with pins.

At sales meetings they try to schedule lunches and breakfasts with people, and even join in at the end of the day.  There’s a compliance booth where employees can win a ribbon or candy for answering a question correctly.  And, once again, those who wear the ribbon generate interest in those who have not yet earned one.

These techniques, coupled with several other business-team friendly initiatives, have helped the compliance team and program make tremendous strides.

Listen in, even though we can’t give you a pin for doing so.

Note:  Nadege speaks first.