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Why Am I Here…?

By Susan Du Becker

What do a Software Solution Provider, Cheque Printing Facilities, Department of Defense, National Food Chain, Recruitment Providers have in common…. the need to share, learn and challenge themselves in our world of Compliance & Ethics.

The people I have met today all had a sparkle in their eye, a thirst for what they do not already know, sniffing out new ideas or, a verification on what they do. We are all seeking that magic formula to solve our issues but sensible enough to understand that there is not one and that we want to communicate with each other to educate ourselves more each day.

I know I am lucky with where we as a company sit with our Compliance & Ethics program and the support I have but not idiotic enough to think I know it all. Just on day one this conference has grounded me, reminded me what is important, highlighted messages I may be skirting over and introduced me to people I would not normally have contact with.

Listening to the colleagues I met today I sucked up their enthusiasm, I watched and listened to their feedback on the course I was in and educated myself in that no matter how lucky I may think I am, there is ALWAYS a lot to learn and remember.

I flew thousands of miles to be here but why?, I have a conference on my own doorstep that I can attend that has that International flavour to it. I am more comfortable in the realms of multiple cultures than in one more powerful one; my learning of today – this is what I needed to stretch me. I need to hear that perspective, a solidification on my company culture heritage, background and values. A reminder of what makes us ‘us’, our beliefs, our background, our value system at play and the support it has.

Today I revisited ‘Risk Assessment’ and sat with colleagues from those already embedded to the lady who is so fresh, so new and so willing to open herself up to new experiences and learning that I enjoyed revisiting Risk Assessment through her eyes. So, today was a great day for me. I am enthusiastic, recharged, hungry to meet those around me and hear their stories, their thoughts, their histories.

Tonight I went to dinner with old and new friends, we shared ourselves and our passion, our thirst for taking our Compliance and Ethics programs one more step and ensuring we do the best we can do.

All in all, a good day one.

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