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SCCE Higher Education – Guest Blog: Understanding the Clery Act, Title IX and the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA)

By Diane Solley

I came to the Higher Education Compliance as a “training session” in the compliance realm and I am leaving understanding SO MUCH more than I would have imagined both professional and personally. Professionally it is nice to see that compliance issues are everywhere and getting our compliance policies followed is not always easy but important. The elements for ensuring a good compliance program is still the same whether you are in the corporate world or the defense world and higher education.

Personally, I have a better understanding of the Clery Act, Title IX and the VAWA and its impact in the higher education arena. Why is this important to someone not in the Higher Education compliance field you may ask–because I have 3 kids about to start their college adventure and now as a compliance officer and as a mother I will be looking at the compliance programs initiated at the colleges my children to decide to attend. Thank you so very much Nedra Abbruzzese-Werling from Boston University and Joseph Storch from the State University of New York for sharing your expertise with us!

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