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Restructures – Yikes!

By Lisa Gross

I’m having a great time here at the SCCE conference and I hope everyone else is as well.

As a continuation from Darren’s Blog earlier, I wanted to encourage you all to come to our session on Challenges of Organizational Restructures: Keeping Ethics at the forefront. As Darren mentioned, this is a topic that I think we can all relate to.

So we are going to talk about the impact restructures have on an organization and how we can keep Ethics at the forefront. And, sine I’m sure many of you have gone through a restructure, we are selfishly hoping we will lean from you. We plan to have a highly interactive session where we share ideas and insights. Our goal is that everyone walks away with a toolbox of ideas and practices so we are better prepared to handle Organizational Restructures at our companies.

We are going to focus on a few key areas which include what leaders can do within your company and some of the glaring challenges that almost every restructuring effort has. By no means do we have all the answers and that’s why we are hoping for a great turnout – so we can learn from you!

Check out Denise Drennan’s Blog for even more details. Hope to see you there!

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