Home Compliance Matt Silverman on Creating a Compliance Champions Program

Matt Silverman on Creating a Compliance Champions Program [Podcast]


Post By: Adam Turteltaub

Every compliance team has only so many eyes and ears to know what’s going on in the company, and so many voices to get the word out.

How do you get more without adding paid staff? Some companies, such as Arizona-based ASML, have created a compliance champions program. As Matt Silverman, Senior Manager, Export Controls explains in this podcast, a champions program can be exceptionally helpful, especially at times like these when compliance leaders can’t travel.

Champions can help the central compliance team get a better understanding of what is going on in the business units and at offices far away. They can provide employees with a face that they know and trust when reporting incidents. They can also do outreach as well, helping spread compliance-related messages at local meetings. Sometimes they can even handle a piece of the compliance training. Just don’t ask them to be subject matter experts, he advises.

To get started with a champions program, Matt recommends getting the business unit on board. Let them know what you are doing and why. Explain the concept of the champions network fully, develop an implementation plan, share it with them and take heed of any constructive feedback you receive. In fact, take the time to solicit it.

Then, once the program is implemented continue to solicit the business team’s input.

When it comes to recruiting your compliance champions, look for diversity in experience and thought: different sectors of the business, site and location and titles, also different levels of experience. You want to find employees that are trusted, know their sites well, how they function and their typical compliance issues.

Listen in to learn more and find out if you’re ready to champion having compliance champions.

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