What can you give to a government official? [infographic]

broadcat iconCourtesy of The Broadcat
Ricardo Pellafone (ricardo@thebroadcat.com)

As we head into the heart of gift-giving season, it’s a good time to give your employees a reminder on gifts and entertainment. And to help you do that, here’s an email-ready infographic with some basics from the DOJ’s 2012 FCPA guidance.

Right-click it to save, drag-and-drop it into an email, and then add your company-specific guidance; it’s written in a way that should work with your policies and procedures (unless you ban gifts, entertainment, and travel to government officials outright).

But before you do that, check out how we’ve structured this around the use of contrasting examples. This is the best way to help employees learn how to apply a rule, and using it will pay dividends in all of your training.

In fact, if you’re in the habit of providing employees with a single case study, the social science shows that you might actually be hurting their ability to learn. That’s because a single case study can over-contextualize the learning—basically, employees learn how to apply the lesson in just that context and ignore other applications.

On the other hand, using contrasting examples helps employees learn which characteristics drive which outcome—and that helps them apply the lesson correctly in new circumstances.

(And if you’re a super training nerd and want to go deeper into this, check out the chapter on the concept of transfer from How People Learn by the National Academy of Sciences, which you can read online here. It’s the best all-in-one catalog of the social science of human learning.)

What can you give to a government official infographic - The Broadcat

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    • Hi Freda, I just wanted to pass along some additional information about the HCCA. You can find out about membership, compliance career opportunities, resources, and other things on our website: http://www.hcca-info.org/

      Also, please feel free to reach out to me and I’m happy to help you get your questions answered!

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