Peter Yared on Regulatory Conflicts in Data Privacy Laws [Podcast]


Post By: Adam Turteltaub

It’s tough complying with data privacy laws. You spend gazillions of dollars complying with GDPR, and then you have to spend a bunch more in response to the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). Job done, right?

Not necessarily. There seems to be a never-ending number of new laws and, as Peter Yared, CEO & Founder of InCountry explains in this podcast, those laws may be in conflict with each other.

As a result, simply choosing to follow the highest standard may not be enough.  Compliance teams need to be sensitive to issues such as demands that the data be held and processed in the country where it is collected.

So what do you do? First, know the laws. Then start looking at what data you have, where it is stored and who has access. And, along the way, start thinking like you’re opening up a new outlet for a fast food restaurant. Yes, you read that right. Listen in to figure out why such a strange suggestion makes a lot of sense when it comes to managing data.