Goran Musinovic on Healthcare Real Estate Compliance [Podcast]


Post By: Adam Turteltaub

After this podcast, I will never look at a doctor’s office the same way again, and if you are responsible for Stark Law Compliance, your perspective may well change as well.

Goran Musinovic is Vice President of the Realty Trust Group in Knoxville and co-author with Michael Honeycutt and Gregory Gheen of the Chapter “Contracts with Referral Sources:  Real Estate Compliance” in the new HCCA Complete Healthcare Compliance Manual.

Medical office space rentals can trigger Stark Law issues quite easily, he explains. To ensure that it doesn’t, the lease must adequately describe the property; be at least for a year; the premises size may not exceed what is legitimate, reasonable and necessary; space must be used exclusively the lessee, the rent must be fair market value; and it may not take into consideration any referrals between the lessee and lessor.

And that’s just the start.

In addition, compliance teams need to watch for allowances for improvements that do not make sense economically, who is paying for phone, internet and the removal of medical waste, whether the rent is actually being collected, and, if the space is time-shared, whether it is being shared as agreed.

In sum, there is a lot to track. Listen in to learn more, and be sure to check out the new edition of the HCCA Complete Healthcare Compliance Manual.


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